Women’s History Month
As the only woman-owned and operated pool business in the Nashville area, I can’t imagine a better day to roll out our blog than the first day of Women’s History Month!
If it weren’t for the thousands upon thousands of women before us, I certainly wouldn’t be writing this note, let along owning a business. I’m so grateful for the women who came before us, the women who share space in the present with us, and the women who will come after us. We’re fortunate to work alongside incredible women, as peers in construction as well as our clients! While we’re also grateful for the men in our lives - of course! - being part of a shortlist of women in construction has major impact on how we run our business, show up each day, and deliver for our clients.
Our project approach is both people-centered and grounded in thoughtfully-defined processes to streamline and elevate the pool building process. Our empathy enables us to adopt and understand the perspectives of our homeowners and subcontractors, and converts into more thorough and transparent communication. We’re humble leaders who lean into our blindspots and super powers alike for a better experience day by a day and a better end result.
Thank you for being here with us on the blog today. We’re excited to share more behind the scenes peeks and helpful information over the coming weeks and months. Cheers to the wonderful women in our worlds and the little “future women,” for whom we strive to set a great example!